
I started programming with MATLAB in 2001 in a course on applied mathematics. Since then, I have learned to program using JavaScript, Java, C++ and PHP. With the latter I was able to develop useful tools for the player community of the online game OGame. After meeting the creator of a competing game (Operation Universe) in 2006, I joined his team and helped develop such games. In the meantime, I got my PHP skills certified and took over the editorial responsibility of Operation Universe and its marketing.

Mathematical games

I have been taking part in the International Championship of Mathematical and Logical Games every year since 1998. More than 20,000 competitors from 10 countries participate yearly in this contest, which tests the ability to solve complex problems using reasoning and mathematics. I rank among the best contestants from Switzerland and on 10 occasions have had the honor of representing my country at the international final in Paris, where I took my place on the podium 4 times.


Cédric Blaser silver medal in orienteering

I practiced track and field as a teenager and I am now a keen participant in local running events. In the past few years, I have taken part in events such as the Course du Vignoble, the Trans'Onésienne and the Course de l'Escalade.

In 2012, I was introduced to orienteering, a sport where the aim is to find a given number of control points in an unfamiliar area using a detailed map in as short a time as possible. This fascinating sport requires both physical fitness and excellent logic skills to plot the best route.