
Cédric Blaser using the atomic force microscope (AFM)

I obtained a bachelor's degree in physics in 2007 and a master's degree in condensed matter physics in 2009, both from the University of Geneva. As a student, I was an active member of the physics student association - as treasurer for two years and as vice-president for one year. I wrote my master's thesis entitled “Interactions between carbon nanotubes and ferroelectric thin films” while working in Professor Patrycja Paruch's research group. From November 2009 to September 2014, I did a PhD in the same group. I defended my thesis entitled Probing nanoscale limits of polarization switching and controlling electronic properties in devices combining CNTs and ferroelectrics on September 9th 2014.

High school

I completed my secondary education and was awarded my matura in 2003 at the Collège de Saussure (Geneva), with physics, applied mathematics and chemistry as my main subjects. My graduation essay “How did the Earth lose its privileged place in the Universe?” was published in Orion, the journal of the Swiss Astronomical Society. I was awarded the Marc Birkigt and de Saussure prizes.